Subsign: What was your childhood like? Do you think your experiences from childhood have influenced your present creative endeavors?
Harcea Parcea: My childhood was as normal as it can get in Romania in the 90’s. As entertainment for kids was scarce to non-existent, I relied on crayons and paper to keep me content while indoors. Outside, I really liked exploring the dilapidated factories of the past as well as the poorly guarded construction sites of the future. My fondness for drawing made me an architect and my first encounters with hip hop music videos and the infancy of graffiti in my city made me want to try it myself, and street art after that.

Subsign: What did you wanted to be as a grown up?
Harcea Parcea: I didn’t have one particular career path in mind, I just knew i wanted it to be something related to drawing. In middle school and early highschool I said I wanted to be a web/graphic designer, in late highschool and early university I thought that I wanted to be an architect. And during my 3rd year of architecture university I decided that I wanted to be something else.

Subsign: How does your workstation look like?
Harcea Parcea: Nothing fancy, just a laptop with a 2nd motor plugged in, plus an Ipad. My desk and studio are always a mess, so no picture, sorry.

Subsign: Do you have a work style? How would you describe it?
Harcea Parcea: My work style is weird, often driven by the desire to help others, I usually tend to involve myself in a lot of projects, sometimes too many, and I kind of end up winging-it with as much wits, grace and professionalism as possible.

Subsign: Can you share with us how your creative process works?
Harcea Parcea: Most of the time it starts with research, I try to find inspiration in events or characters related to the particular city / neighborhood / street / building. Other times I see a wall and the design simply manifests itself in front of my eyes, most often when it has a particular feature that I can incorporate in the design.

Subsign: What is your favorite work you have done so far?
Harcea Parcea: I am mostly proud of what I managed to achieve with my NGO (Artipic Association), in making Iasi more feel and look more alive, as well as in creating opportunities for emerging local artists. After that I am happy about some of my street bombing, I hit some pretty nice spots. But if there was one project in particular, that would be InZIDerabilii, where I painted (with some help from other artist friends) both sides of a 500 m long by 2+ m tall wall separating the most notorious ghetto of the city from the rest of it.

Subsign: Who do you follow for inspiration?
Harcea Parcea: Recorder and Catalin Moise.

Subsign: What advice could you give to someone starting out in the creative field of work?
Harcea Parcea: Persevere, all the time spent practicing/doing it adds up, every project, every song, every piece, every sketch. That and be stubborn enough to find your niche, your style, your flair, what you can do to bring improvement to the scene you wish to partake in.

Subsign: If you would a super power, what would it be?
Harcea Parcea: Telekinesis, it’s just too OP.

Subsign: Can you recommend for our readers a book, a song and a movie?
Harcea Parcea: Book: Viața zidurilor în spațiul public – by Crisina Popa and Andrei Racovita

Song: Promoe – Headache

Moovie: Noviembre (2003)

Subsign: If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be like and what would it be for?
Harcea Parcea: Definitely a rave, with 2 music scenes, one with psy in a natural paradise and the other with tek in a dilapidated factory.

Subsign: What famous people would you invite to the party and why?
Harcea Parcea: Sorin Necunoscutul, for some extra musical diversity.

Thank you Harcea Parcea for being a part of our Spotlight!
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For more of Harcea Parcea‘s work, you can follow his work on the links: Harcea Parcea on Instagram, Harcea Parcea on Facebook.