Is the 1st and single on-demand laundry service app in Romania, which was launched in December 2019.
The app can be found on Google Play, App Store, and Huawei AppGallery as well.

The Challenge.
As with any new product/service, the initial challenge is to get it known to its core audience. However, in this particular case, there was the added task of changing consumer behavior.
For so many years laundry & dry cleaning were done in shopping centers as a drop off and pick up in a few days’ exchange from the same spot. Therefore, we had to find specific ways or pain points in order to change this already established behavior.

And this is where drop&go fitted so well. In the app you can schedule a pick-up and a delivery date & time for all your laundry within 24 hours. At the same time, the pick up location can be different then your delivery one. This not only saves you time, especially of not having to take 2 trips to drop and pick-up but especially in the big cities where a simple trip could mean up to 1 wasted hour in traffic alone.
Launch campaign
Going back to our initial challange, we launched the first campaign that was spread accross multiple communication channels. It took over 3 months in order to reach the core audience.
Identifying the key target segments, we decided the tone of voice and look of the brand should be a bold, yet familiar one, that focuses on helping out while interacting in a friendly manner.
In Bucharest, the initial city of the service launch, we used a network of digital and classic billboards solutions for our Out-Of-Home advertising.

Online Advertising
In order to have as many touch points with potential clients, we have created and ran digital campaigns as well through tools like Google Ads or Social Media Ads. Another key player, has been content creation for Social Media, through which we made sure to communicate the brand’s key differentioators and form a small community around the app.

Traditional Media
In the launch, drop&go was mentioned in prime time on all big television channels as well as in over 35 press outlets (print & digital). For the PR side of the launch, we worked closely with Caracteristic PR.

Social Media
Selecting the right platform to help gather and build the community around the brand was made by taking into account the B2B and B2C vertices. Thus we focused on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and LinkedIn. Platforms that our targeted audience are using on a daily basis.

UX & UI redesign
After the initial launch campaign, we closely monitored the User experience and the client journey. This is how we identified a list of elements that needed to be streamlined in the user flow as well as the need to give the overall app a modern sleek UI to best fit the core demographic and direction we wanted to take the brand in.

Radio campaign
After the UI redesign, we used radio stations to run ads in order to promote the new version and the service but in the same tone of voice and manner as with all the other communication channels.

In order to keep the brand positioning in line with the goals and company values, besides the above-mentioned communication channels, which we kept using past the campaign launch, we also partnered with a number of influencers (Dorian Popa, Ileana Badiu, Codin Maticiuc, Deea Codrea) to engage in a more organic and natural way with the users.

Strategic partnerships
In consolidating the brand the was also the element of picking and selecting the right business partners.

New cleaning categories
Another element that we saw early on and knew we had to find a way to add to the app was cleaning services for sneakers and carpets.

In the over 18 months in which we ran the marketing and communication for drop&go there have certainly been more action and elements that came into play when trying to achieve the set goals than mentioned before, but let’s wrap it up with some of the main things we achieved.

With over 35 million digital ad displays and 2.5 million video views, we managed to have a consistent reach and awareness of the service and brand.
One of the most unexpected rewards was in February 2020, when drop&go was the number 1 business app on the Google Play store.
Give us a follow for a more digital marketing strategy to help or feel free to send us an email at hello@subsign.co for collaborations or help with your brand’s presence and content.