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The Developers.

The Developers.

This conference is under the IT Days umbrella, who we also partnered up for the past 4 years.

The Developers IT Conference focused on some interesting presentations on topics like: AI, IoT, Digital-currency and Microservices.

The Branding.

As this was the first edition of the event, we had to develop a recognizable and distinct brand around it. Starting from the direction of focusing on the classic 8-bit art style, we then build all promotional materials, such as: Banners, Flyers, Badges, Tickets, Posters, Spiders and other digital imagery.

User Interface Design, User Experience Design, Website Design, Concept


The Website.

Knowing very well the key demographic of the event, we kept all the information in one page, that can be easy to access and is just a small scroll away.

Of course the same type of estetic was kept and we added some subtle humorous elements to show the organizers personality and the type of interactions that will take place on the conference day.

branding branding branding

More Work.

"Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard."

Guy Kawasaki